[C++-sig] Boost.Python.function.__signatures__

Mike Rovner mrovner at propel.com
Wed Jul 20 19:43:37 CEST 2005

Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve wrote:
> My plan is: 1. patch Boost.Python to provide the signature information, 2. try
> to convince the Python folks to support __signatures__ in pydoc/inspect. I hope
> 1. is easy, I guess 2. will be much harder. In the meantime I'll give my users
> a signatures() built-in that will work the same for regular Python functions
> and Boost.Python functions. I need this soon because I'll be teaching at a
> school in a four weeks. I don't want everybody to look at the wrapper sources
> to figure out the signatures; and of course, as always, there is no time to
> write documentation for everything. Easily accessible just-in-time help is the
> best option, I believe.

Python has no nothion of multiple callable signatures (and method 
resolution) so I regard it unpythonic. Having mutiple signatures in BPL 
is an implementation detail, so probably __signature__ can make it into 
pydoc with more ease.

My .02


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