[C++-sig] [Announce] py++ first public release

Roman Yakovenko roman.yakovenko at gmail.com
Tue Jul 12 12:46:32 CEST 2005


I would like to introduce a new code generator for the boost.python
library, called py++ .

py++ is a framework of components for creating a C++ code generator
for boost.python .
Code generation with the py++ framework is a very flexible and highly
configurable process.

You can find an introduction to py++ at: 

1. http://tinyurl.com/bpe2o
2. http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/*checkout*/pygccxml/source/pyplusplus/docs/py%2B%2B.html


First of all, this project is under active development. 
py++ can export the following declarations:
    enums ( named and unnamed )
    global variables
    operators ( partially )
    free functions
    member functions
py++ does not allow the user to override virtual functions from Python
for exported classes, i.e. py++ does not create a wrapper class for
exported classes.

Currently, py++ does not have its own homepage. You can download py++
from http://sourceforge.net/projects/pygccxml.
Please note that pyplusplus-0.0.1 requires pygccxml-0.6.4 .

Installation instructions:
    for pygccxml there is a setup.py file, so installation should be a
simple task.
    for py++ there is no setup yet. py++ is a regular python package,
so place it somewhere and add its location to sys.path .

Ideas, comments, suggestions or help are welcomed.

Roman Yakovenko

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