[C++-sig] In a C++ extension, how to use a C++ class exported in another extension

Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve rwgk at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 5 11:24:41 CEST 2005

--- David Abrahams <dave at boost-consulting.com> wrote:
> Well of course! No need to build a specialization of swig_arg; the
> only thing you're doing with that specialzation is prepending "t" to
> the name.  You can just build the string inside the swig_arg ctor.
> Are you sure you want to write "Circle" twice?  Seems to me that
> might be better.

I was asking because I wasn't sure about a static template member
being used from a static template member function. But now I am.
See my other posting, or swig_arg.hpp revision 1.1 once it shows up:


It is so simple now I could explain it to my grandma.
BTW: I've also tested under Tru64 Unix with cxx (to make sure my
static member handling is kosher).

> > Actually, here is another question: would it be best to wait until Boost
> 1.33
> > is out?
> We are in a main trunk feature-freeze, but doing it now on a branch
> would be better than waiting.

Branch...? Shudder. I'll wait. If someone wants it now it is easy
enough to get (link above).


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