[C++-sig] Can't use make_function to wrap base class method?

Alex Mohr amohr at pixar.com
Tue Dec 13 20:37:25 CET 2005

Seems I can't wrap a base class method of a derived class if I use 
make_function.  Is this expected?  Here's an example.

#include <boost/python.hpp>
using namespace boost::python;

class Base {
	int method() { return 1; }

class Derived : public Base {};

	class_<Derived>("Derived", "", init<>())
		.def("method", make_function(&Derived::method))
		.def("method2", &Derived::method)

 >>> from Foo import *
 >>> Derived().method()
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
did not match C++ signature:
	method(Base {lvalue})

 >>> Derived().method2()

Seems like this should work.  Wrapping a method in make_function seems 
to make it not.  This becomes cumbersome since the only way I know of to 
supply return_value_policies in .add_property is to use make_function.



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