[C++-sig] Return policy for operator()

Grant Goodyear grant at grantgoodyear.org
Mon Aug 22 23:53:37 CEST 2005

I have an image object that overloads operator() to handle array
subscripting of the object's image data by returning a float&.  How do I
set the return policy for operator() in pyste?

I've attached some test fragments in case anybody wants to play along at

Grant Goodyear
Grant Goodyear		
web: http://www.grantgoodyear.org	
e-mail: grant at grantgoodyear.org	
-------------- next part --------------
class mymat {
    int nx;
    int ny;
    float* data;
    mymat(int nx_, int ny_) : nx(nx_), ny(ny_) { 
        data = new float[nx*ny]; 
        data[0] = 1.0f;
    ~mymat() { delete [] data; }
    inline float& operator()(const int ix, const int iy) {
        return *(data + ix + iy*nx);

-------------- next part --------------

mymat = Class("mymat", "matobj.h")

-------------- next part --------------

// Boost Includes ==============================================================
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>

// Includes ====================================================================
#include <matobj.h>

// Using =======================================================================
using namespace boost::python;

// Module ======================================================================
    class_< mymat >("mymat", init< const mymat& >())
        .def(init< int, int >())
        .def("__call__", &mymat::operator ())


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