[C++-sig] exporting __stdcall methods

Nicolas Lelong nico_ml at mgdesign.org
Tue Aug 16 15:37:37 CEST 2005

Hi Dave,

sorry I linger in responding, I'm only getting back to business after some 
holidays :)

> I think it would be great to support these other calling conventions.

glad you see some interest in this too!

> Your patch looks good, but I'm quite surprised that it's so small.  Is
> that really all that's required to implement full stdcall/fastcall
> support?

hm, as I did this some time ago already, I took some time to test it a 
little more.
I extensively used the patch with stdcall "C" functions, but I investigated 
some more by tweaking the "polymorphism" test.

I seems to work all right for regular functions and member functions. I 
noticed a "limitation" though : if a pure virtual member function is 
exported with a given default implementation, this default implement _must_ 
the same calling convention as the pure virtual function. I'm not sure that 
this is annoying, perhaps this can be corrected : the problem comes from the 
'not_a_derived_class_member' call in 'class.hpp' (line 146 in boost 1.33 
release) - see attached file 'func_sig_def_impl_fail.cpp'.

I attach the tweaked 'polymorphism' files. I also added the support for 
__cdecl member functions, and changed the macros to enable the functionality 
to match more closely what is found in type traits lib, so I attach a patch 
for signature.hpp (not widely different from the previous one) and 

I'm open to any thoughts or directions you could give me to integrate 
properly this patch into BPL.


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