[C++-sig] How do I wrap virtual methods

Eric Jardim ericjardim at gmail.com
Fri Aug 5 15:33:26 CEST 2005


I am wrapping a library, and everything is going well. But now I am trying 
to wrap some virtual methods.

After that a strange behavior is happening (I am using boost 1.32). I am 
using Pyste to wrap a "scratch code" for me, and I then manually insert some 
wrapped functions/classes/enums to the definitive source. (This approach 
might be strange, but it is good for me. It helps me learning
Boost.Pythonconstructs, and it's a way to control errors for each

The error consist basically of a wrapped virtual method of the "QObject" 
class being called *without* it being reimplemented in Python. Of course it 
was reimplemented in C++, when the "QObject_Wrapper" class was created.

Pyste is generating the "QObject_Wrapper" with the overloaded constructors, 
a "PyObject* py_self" reference to the Python object, everything explicit! 
On the other hand, I saw on the tutorial that you should use a construct 

struct BaseWrap : Base, wrapper<Base>
    int f()
        if (override f = this->get_override("f"))
            return f(); // note*
        return Base::f();

    int default_f() { return this->Base::f(); }

// *note: on MSVC use
//  return call<char const*>(f.ptr());

I think that this will solve the problem, because it tests if there is a 
overriden method. I am still confused if wrapper<...> will create the 
apropriate contructors. So what do "wrapper<..>" really do?

Another thing that I noticed is that I have to reimplement virtual methods 
on every derived class. This is an accumulative task. Am I right?

So, what is the right and safe way to wrap virtual methods?


[Eric Jardim]
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