[C++-sig] pyste, gccxml and boost ublas, random number generator etc

Stefan Seefeld seefeld at sympatico.ca
Mon Aug 1 14:59:14 CEST 2005

Nicodemus wrote:

> I will quote Brad King, the creator of GCCXML, from the gccxml list in a 
> thread regarding this problem (hope he does not mind):
> "As I said the GCC parser cannot always handle the results of 
> preprocessing as if using VC7.1.  In the case of system headers the 
> GCC-XML installation copies and patches them to fix the problems.  In 
> this case all the VC-specific hacks in boost are confusing GCC-XML."
> Hopefully Brad can shed some more light in a possible workaround. :)

I can indeed see the problem if you preprocess for CV++ and are then
exposed to non-standard extensions during the parsing.

While gcc packages contain system headers / wrappers to solve this,
the above suggests that gccxml itself does not, i.e. it is assuming
a sane and sufficiently standard-conformant development environment.
Is that right ?

I did adjust the synopsis parser to handle some of the VC++ specific
extensions, and I expect boost in general to be parsable with it,
even on windows (though I only checked with boost.python and its

I'll look into a synopsis-frontend for pyste, though I can't make
any promise as to when I'll get to it, sorry.


PS: Needless to say: Any help is of course highly appreciated !

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