[C++-sig] Re: wrapper.cpp not in 1.32.0 dsp/vcproj file?

Brett Calcott brett at coombs.anu.edu.au
Tue Apr 19 07:42:58 CEST 2005

Leonard "paniq" Ritter wrote:
> fyi, the mail to brett calcott bounced.

That is me. My apologies. I haven't been using Boost Python for some 
time now. I have had my head buried in my PhD. This email should be more 
brett.calcott at gmail.com

I am still happy to maintain the vc build support. Leonard I assume that 
this just requires the addition of a file?

Also, I owe Dave a personal apology. I promised some documentation of 
the internals way back in '03, and Dave took the time to answer some of 
my questions (http://www.boost.org/libs/python/doc/internals.html). I 
never did this. I remember making some notes, and finding it to be the 
hardest code to understand I had ever looked at. But I never sent 
anything to the list.

Dave, are you still happy for me to maintain this given my track record 
here? The gmail address will be stable.


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