[C++-sig] virtual overrides and custom smart pointers

Leonard "paniq" Ritter paniq at paniq.org
Sun Apr 17 15:01:40 CEST 2005


i'm running into a problem i'm trying to fix since several days without 
much luck. it seems my custom smart pointer class becomes worthless when 
wrapper<> is used to construct an object whose methods can be overridden 
in python.

wrapper export code:

            class_<WindowEventsWrap, bases<Mu::Interface::Unknown>, 
Ptr<WindowEventsWrap>, boost::noncopyable>("WindowEvents")

wrapper declaration:

        struct WindowEventsWrap
            :    InterfaceImplementation<WindowEventsWrap, 
Implements<Mu::Sandoz::Interface::WindowEvents> >,
                wrapper< Mu::Sandoz::Interface::WindowEvents >

python test code:

class MyWindowEvents(Sandoz.WindowEvents):
    def OnWidgetEvent(self, event):
        print event.type
        return Sandoz.Result.NotImplemented
    def WidgetEventHandled(self, event, widget):
        print event.type, widget
        return Sandoz.Result.NotImplemented

def Main():
    mwe = MyWindowEvents()
    view = Sandoz.ViewFrame("µ.Sandoz.ViewFrame")
    del mwe

connect adds a reference to the mwe callback object and view calls that 
object later on. this is known to work. however when i delete mwe right 
after Connect(), the object itself persists, but its overridden methods 
(and i guess the underlying python object as well) are gone. no Release 
or AddReference on my object is called from wrapper_base, so i assume it 
is not using my custom smart pointer class which deals with this stuff.

can someone suggest a solution to this problem?

best regards,

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