[C++-sig] Pyste enhancements - mini patch

Jaroslav Gresula jgresula at seznam.cz
Wed Apr 13 23:11:59 CEST 2005


I extended my local copy of Pyste by the following two enhancements:

i) a class can be declared as final:
  C = Class( 'C', 'c.h' )
  final( C )

ii) registration of converters for user-defined smart pointers:
  C = Class( 'C', 'c.h' )
  Include( "my_smart_pointers.h" )
  use_smart_ptr( C, "my_shared_ptr" )
  use_smart_ptr( C, "my_auto_ptr" )

I thought that also someone else might find it useful. If anyone is 
interested, the patch is attached.

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