[C++-sig] doing iterators another way...

Leonard "paniq" Ritter paniq at paniq.org
Tue Apr 5 05:39:09 CEST 2005

the example that is given in the tutorial for iterators is giving a 
standard way of solving the problem for c++ iterators, but i'm also 
using enumerators which provide a set of current/next/reset commands. 
for those interested, this is how i turned my class into an iterator:

        template<typename T>
        struct Enumerator : Mu::Interface::Unknown
            typedef typename Ptrfy<T>::Type ElementReturnType;

            virtual Mu::Result Mu_InterfaceCall MoveNext(Bool& 
succeeded) = 0;
            virtual Mu::Result Mu_InterfaceCall Current(T& current) = 0;
            virtual Mu::Result Mu_InterfaceCall Reset() = 0;


        template<typename T>
        typename T::ElementReturnType iterator_next(T* enumerator)
            if (!enumerator->MoveNext())
            return enumerator->Current();

        template<typename T>
        T* MakePythonIteratorFromEnumerator(T* enumerator)
            return enumerator;

    and here's some pseudo-boost.python code:

    class_<EnumeratorClass, bases<Mu::Interface::Unknown> 
        .def("next", &iterator_next<EnumeratorClass>)

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