[C++-sig] boost.python with cygwin

Achim Domma achim.domma at syynx.de
Tue Sep 14 01:10:17 CEST 2004


I try to compile boost.python using cygwin without success. I have an
up-to-date cygwin installation and a python 2.3.4 which I have compiled and
installed under cygwin. I set PYTHON_VERSION to 2.3 and
PYTHON_ROOT=/usr/local, which seems to be ok. If I set PYTHON_ROOT to
another value, bjam complains as usual.

Excecuting bjam I get errors like this:

/home/..../detail/wrap_python.hpp:41:24: patchlevel.h : No such file or
/home/..../detail/wrap_python.hpp:121:21: Python.h : No such file or

Looks like the include pathes are wrong, but why? Any idea?


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