[C++-sig] Re: Building/testing extensions: boost-python-runtest

David Abrahams dave at boost-consulting.com
Thu Sep 9 19:01:51 CEST 2004

"Niall Douglas" <s_sourceforge at nedprod.com> writes:

> On 8 Sep 2004 at 13:43, David Abrahams wrote:
>> >> For which compilers/platforms does that combination of environment
>> >> variables work?
> For simple programs, all of them. 

Boost.Python isn't simple, though.

> Actually Neal's scons file is far 
> too long, scons can read most of that stuff from environment 
> variables. And since it's python, you'd just write an 
> "includeBoost()" function.

So you have to set up a bunch of environment variables that describe
the specifics of how to use those compilers?

>> > I'm using this on Linux Fedora core2, gcc is gcc-3.3.3 (don't think
>> > that matters much).
>> The same Scons file will work with vc6, vc7, vc7.1, metrowerks,
>> intel, ...?
> All the MSVC's though v8 may be a little shaky. I've hacked together 
> an ICC support file which is still pending merging to CVS. It's very 
> easy to add support for a new system/toolkit or indeed new builders.
> scons knows what compilers you have on your system and automatically 
> chooses one, configuring everything for you. You just tell it what 
> files go into what libraries/executables and scons does the rest.
> In the scons files for TnFOX, they are identical on Linux and Win32 
> except for the really nasty hacks I've inserted to make it work 
> inside VMWare off the same source tree. I do have a per-compiler 
> directory with per-compiler .py files which sets per-compiler command 
> line options

Aha.  That's a part that Boost.Build is eliminating.

>  but other than that it's literally that easy.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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