[C++-sig] Re: numarray 1.0 and BPL - oops

Francois Ostiguy ostiguy at fnal.gov
Wed Sep 1 21:48:24 CEST 2004

the code that works for me is exactly as follows:

long array_base::nelements() const
    return extract<long>( attr("nelements")() );

I make no claim about correctness ... I am not familiar enough with the
low level details of BPL.

What is certain is that the current code

long array_base::nelements() const
    return extract<long>( attr("nelements") );
                                         i.e. without operator()

does not work (numarray 1.0/bpl 1_31/gcc-3.3.3).

The error message:

TypeError: No registered converter was able to produce a C++ rvalue of
type long from this Python object of type builtin_function_or_method.

seems to be generated because attr("nelements") returns a callable
PyObject* that cannot be converted to a long.

The relevant function from the numarray code (1.0) seems to be

static PyObject *
_ndarray_nelements(PyArrayObject *self, PyObject  *args)
	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ":nelements"))
		return NULL;
	return PyInt_FromLong(NA_elements(self));


Dr. Jean-Francois OSTIGUY                              voice: (630) 840-2231
Beam Physics Dept MS220                                  FAX: (630) 840-6039
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory                email: ostiguy at fnal.gov
Batavia IL 60510-0500                           WWW:www-ap.fnal.gov/~ostiguy

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