[C++-sig] Re: numarray 1.0 and BPL - oops

Francois Ostiguy ostiguy at fnal.gov
Wed Sep 1 20:48:00 CEST 2004

> I'm shocked.  this->attr("nelements")() is of type
> boost::python::object, which has no implicit conversion to long.  Are
> you sure you compiled the code?

Oops, rightfully so.

I did this earlier this morning.

I should have pasted the code directly instead of operating from memory

The code should have read

    return extract<long>( this->attr("nelements")() );


Dr. Jean-Francois OSTIGUY                              voice: (630) 840-2231
Beam Physics Dept MS220                                  FAX: (630) 840-6039
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory                email: ostiguy at fnal.gov
Batavia IL 60510-0500                           WWW:www-ap.fnal.gov/~ostiguy

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