[C++-sig] Problem With Calling Methods on Python Subclasses from C++

Mark Rowe lists.python.org at bdash.net.nz
Sun Oct 17 11:44:08 CEST 2004


I am working on wrapping a C++ library using Boost::Python but have run 
into a small problem with polymorphic behaviour.

Basically, I have four classes exposed to Python - MainClass, 
ErrorHandler, Error and AnError.  AnError derives from Error.  When 
ErrorHandler is subclassed from Python and the handleError method of an 
instance of the Python subclass is called from C++ with an AnError 
instance as an argument, the argument arrives as an Error type.  I 
realise that this description is relatively confusing, so I have 
attached the C++ code and a failing Python unittest that demonstrates 
the problem I am encountering.

I hope that someone can clear this issue up for me.


Mark Rowe
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