[C++-sig] Re: -sBUILD=debug-python: not solved

Stefan Quandt Stefan.Quandt at bardenheuer.de
Mon Nov 22 15:11:56 CET 2004

David Abrahams wrote:

>> Hmm.
>> I'm trying again to reproduce your problem here.  Maybe by comparing
>> our bjam output we can learn something.  FYI, I am going into
>> boost/libs/python/example and running
>>   bjam -d+2 -sTOOLS=vc-7_1 -sBUILD=debug-python test1
I did the same.
The resulting boost_python.dll was linked against the NON DEBUG version

I modified three lines in Jamrules like below:
PYTHON_ROOT = C:/Python-2.3.4 ;
TOOLS = msvc ;

I send you bjam output as attachment.
You will see that the "-DBOOST_PYTHON_DEBUGGING" is missing in the compiler
command lines!

I used MS VC6, boost_1_32_0 and bjam built from the sources.

Kind regards

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