[C++-sig] Re: Call Policy Question

David Abrahams dave at boost-consulting.com
Sun Nov 14 14:10:23 CET 2004

Mike Thompson <mike.spam.filter at day8.com.au> writes:

> David Abrahams wrote:
>> Mike Thompson <mike.spam.filter at day8.com.au> writes:
>>>I have a member function which returns an object and I'm trying to
>>>define a call policy for that member function which will:
>>>    1.  cause the returned object to be managed:
>>>            return_value_policy<manage_new_object>()
>>>        its a new object and needs to be managed.
>>>    2.   register that the returned object holds a
>>>         reference to the originating object (but not visa-versa)
>>>but I can't work out how to combine the two.
>>>I need 1. above because the returned object is new and needs to be managed.
>>>I need 2. above because this returned object has references BACK
>>>to the object who's member function supplies it.
>>>So the returned object can be destroyed without the original being
>>>effected, but destruction of the original MUST wait until the returned
>>>object is gone.
>>   return_value_policy<
>>         manage_new_object
>>       , with_custodian_and_ward<0, 1>
>>   >
>> should work.
> Ahh. Of course. Thanks.
> But, just to be clear, I suspect you meant to use
> with_custodian_and_ward_postcall' ?


Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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