[C++-sig] Re: vector_indexing_suite and slicing

David Abrahams dave at boost-consulting.com
Tue Mar 23 05:17:46 CET 2004

Joel de Guzman <joel at boost-consulting.com> writes:

> Raoul Gough wrote:
>> Joel de Guzman <joel at boost-consulting.com> writes:
>>>>To close the loop, the attached patch will fix the bugs I noted in
>>>>while following the guidance provided by the Python folks.  Unless there
>>>>are any objections, I'll commit this to HEAD and the RC_1_31_0 branch
> [snip]
>>>No objections here. I wonder though about the status of Raoul's
>>>new indexing suite. I was under the impression that his work will
>>>supersede the current indexing suite. Raoul?
>> I'm pretty sure I mentioned my work in the same thread back in
>> January, and that the slice behaviour of the new indexing suite was
>> already Python compliant.
>> I haven't had time recently to get the documentation in order, but I
>> intend to get that done before the ACCU conference in mid-April. Once
>> the docco is ready, we could probably consider merging indexing_v2
>> onto the mainline, but I guess there's no harm in patching the
>> original indexing suite in the meantime.
> I agree. I look forward to the new indexing suite. I still owe
> you a thorough review ;-)

Since we're not near a release at this point, I'm happy to have it
checked into the main trunk once you have docs.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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