[C++-sig] vector_indexing_suite and std::string

Jonathan Brandmeyer jbrandmeyer at earthlink.net
Wed Mar 17 00:16:13 CET 2004

On Tue, 2004-03-16 at 11:25, greg Landrum wrote:
> The attached files create and test an extension module that uses the indexing_suite to return std::vectors containing ints and std::strings to Python.  The int vectors work just  fine, but the std::string vectors generate:
> TypeError: No Python class registered for C++ class std::string
> errors when the individual elements are accessed.
> It's clearly not a problem with returning std::strings, because the bareString() function does that without any difficulties.
> Ron Clarke posted about this a couple of weeks ago: 
> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/c++-sig/2004-March/006966.html
> but no solution or work-around was provided, so I figured I'd try again.
> System details:
> Boost: 1.31
> Python: 2.2.3
> OS: both Redhat8.0 (g++ v3.2)and Win2K (VC++ 7.1)
> Thanks,
> -greg

Its not in the indexing suite, per se, its a problem with the
implementation of register_ptr_to_python().  Here is a test that
demonstrates the problem.  Kindly ignore the memory leak, its just for
demonstration purposes.

Jonathan Brandmeyer
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