[C++-sig] Re: c++ to python automatic conversion

David Abrahams dave at boost-consulting.com
Tue Mar 9 01:02:21 CET 2004

Francois Ostiguy <ostiguy at fnal.gov> writes:

>>What compiler did you use to build Boost.Python and your modules?
>>How did you build your modules?  Are they both linked to the same
> The modules were built using gcc 3.3. They were also both linked to the
> same libboost_python ... but inadvertently to the static version (.a) of
> that library. When I link to libboost_python.so,  everything works fine.
> I suppose the library contains a list of registered classes. Linking with
> the static version of the lib resulted produced two instances of that list
> instead of the desired single shared instance.
> Many Thanks !

Hint: follow the formula that the examples in libs/python/example
use.  Run bjam with the -n or -d+2 option to see the build/run
commands.  If you want to use your own build system, just make sure
it replicates the same actions.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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