[C++-sig] A problem with pyste.

Jeff Holle jeff.holle at verizon.net
Wed Mar 3 20:55:41 CET 2004

I'm using Pyste version 0.9.28 and gcc v3.3 on a linux system.

I've a problem doing the most complex thing I've done with pyste so far.
It involves exposing a couple of templated functions, which can each be 
instantiated with 3 types of classes.

I've attached both the pyste configuration file and the referenced *.h file.

The errors produced are the following:
  /tmp/tmp9zPX8o.h:135: error: syntax error before `;' token
  /tmp/tmp9zPX8o.h: In function `void 
  /tmp/tmp9zPX8o.h:137: error: `putNamespace_Parameter' undeclared 
(first use this function)

Note that putNamespace_Parameter is explicitly specified within 
I tried to use the default name instead of renaming it and the error 
message changed to can't find "UMLModel_putNamespace_Parameter".

Could somebody with more experience with pyste please inform me what I'm 
doing wrong.

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