[C++-sig] boost.python crush

Max Khesin MKhesin at liquidnet.com
Fri Jun 25 15:54:19 CEST 2004

I have the following sample class exposed via boost.python:

class String
    String(const std::string& v):m_val(v){}
    bool lessThan(const std::string& other)                  const{return
    bool greaterThan(const std::string& other)               const{return
    bool equals(const std::string& other)                    const{return
    bool regexMatch(const std::string& other)                const{return
    bool withinDistance(const std::string& other, int dist)  const{return
distance(this->m_val, other)<=dist;}       
    std::string m_val;

    class_<String>("String", init<const std::string&>())
        .def("lessThan",        &String::lessThan)
        .def("greaterThan",     &String::greaterThan)
        .def("equals",          &String::equals)
        .def("regexMatch",      &String::regexMatch)
        .def("withinDistance",  &String::withinDistance)

I am calling this from python:

>> import test
>> s = test.String('hallo')
>> s.lessThen('hello')   #### <<< CRUSH

the debugger seems to point to an access violation in std::string dtor. I
palyed around with making the argument a plain std::string (instead of const
std::string&) and const char* - both of those crush, albeit in a different
place (also dtors, from the looks of it)

Any idea?


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