[C++-sig] [Re: Added to a vector_indexing_suite container in python]

Jeff Holle jeff.holle at verizon.net
Sat Jun 19 11:18:37 CEST 2004

I suspect that my previous post concerning this problem does not provide 
adequite information.
So here is more.

Following is a grep of my files that highlite what I'm trying to wrap 
with pyste and how I'm doing it:

    typedef std::vector<CParameter> Parameters;
    MemberFunction.h:    Parameters& getParameters( void);
    MemberFunction.h:    const Parameters& getParameters( void) const;
    PygetParameters(UMLModel::CMemberFunction& self);

The PygetParameters function exists because pyste throws errors in 
encountering the overloaded pair that are in-place to facilitate const 
correct coding.

Note the method call policy that I'm applying, "copy_non_const_reference".

It appears that this policy causes a copy of the container in the 
process of calling "getParameters" in python.
I believe this because the following python script:
     print 'number of parameters is %d' % len(aMethod.getParameters())
    number of parameters is 0

I've added my own "push_back" method to this container in a way similiar 
to the iterator.cpp file.
The same results occur, which are explained if a container copy is going on.

It there a way to avoid this copy?

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