[C++-sig] Size difference between .so and .dll files

Christophe Grimault christophe.grimault at novagrid.com
Wed Jun 16 18:16:37 CEST 2004

Niall Douglas wrote:

>Hash: SHA1
>On 15 Jun 2004 at 10:28, Christophe Grimault wrote:
>>We have 2 versions of the same  software. One on linux RH9, and one 
>>Win XP. Both of them compile and work fine. They use several C++ files
>>compiled with boost to interact with Python. On windows, a dll with a
>>size of a few hundreds of ko. On linux, the size for the equivalent
>>.so is a few Mo.
>>Have we missed something ? Any hints to reduce this size, if possible,
>>are welcome !
>1. Use GCC 3.4. This should knock 50% off your binary.
I have tried the  gcc-3.4. Compared to gcc-3.2 used before, a .so 
typically goes from 5.4 Mo to 4.0 Mo.

>2. Patch GCC with my patch at 
>http://www.nedprod.com/programs/gccvisibility.html. With -
>fvisibility=hidden this should knock a further few hundred Kb off 
>your binary and produce better quality code too.
Thanks for the hint. I did not have the time to try yet !

>No matter what you do, the Linux binary will be at least 20% larger 
>than your MSVC binary.
Last question. I do not compile my .so with bjam but with a separate 
Makefile, outside of the boost architecture. May be I'm also missing 
something in the Makefile that the Jamfile does !? I think i remember 
that, if I try to compile the same .so, inside the boost architecture, I 
get a big improvement. Uhm ?

Thanks a lot !!

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