[C++-sig] importing embedded dynamic lib

Vio vmilitaru at sympatico.ca
Wed Jun 9 13:54:31 CEST 2004

I have a basic dynamic lib "noddy.so" which I want to
1- embed inside my executable
2- import by embedded python interpreter using an API call.

I have two questions:

1- what would be the recommended technique to embed a binary file inside 
an executable?
My guess would be to add the binary "noddy.so" to the linking command, 
but then
how do I get access to that chunk of code in my source file? My goal 
would be to achieve something like

    int* noddy_so = <binary here> ... but then how do I include the 
binary code, or make the source code aware of it?

Using "#include" doesn't feel right, as this is a binary file, not 
ASCII. And loading the file at run-time isn't right either, I need to 
load it at compile time. And is "int*" the appropriate data type for 
binary data?

2- Let's imagine that I managed to load "noddy.so" into my source code 
somehow, and now have a pointer to it.
Any hints as to the  correct python API call to import a dynamic lib 
from a memory buffer? Could someone
tell me for example if the following makes sense for my purpose?

char *modulename="noddy", *filename="no_real_file";
PyObject *tmp;

/*Here try to translate the binary lib into a PyObject*/
tmp = Py_CompileString(noddy_so, filename, Py_file_input);
if (tmp == NULL)
      error("Can't compile module [tmp]");

/*Import the "noddy" module*/
pmod = PyImport_ExecCodeModule(modulename, tmp);
if (pmod == NULL)
      error("Can't load module [pmod]");


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