[C++-sig] Boost.Python on MacOS X...at all...

Nick Bastin nbastin at opnet.com
Tue Jun 1 10:42:57 CEST 2004

On Jun 1, 2004, at 4:29 AM, Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve wrote:

> --- Nick Bastin <nbastin at opnet.com> wrote:
>> Has anybody succeeded on building Boost.Python on MacOS X at all?
> Yes, all the time, but you need Python 2.3 or higher. The Python that 
> comes
> with OS 10.3 is fine. You also need the latest Apple compilers. Please 
> look at
> the Boost.Python FAQ for details.

Yes, I've done all of that.  Basically, from what I'm hearing on this 
list, multiple people have it working on OS X, but nobody uses bjam.  
Hardly a ringing endorsement for the stock build system.

I have been unable to make it build using the Python 2.3 that comes 
with MacOS X, or my 2.4 CVS tree, which is really what I'm shooting 
for.  Unfortunately, I don't know a lot about jam, but it appears that 
the tools file for darwin requires that python be in a framework build, 
and can't work off of a standard unix-style installation.  If anybody 
knows otherwise, or how to tweak it to be so, I'd really appreciate 
knowing how.  I'm trying to stage the build, rather than an install, if 
that makes any difference.


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