[C++-sig] pyste defect: expanding typedefs in generated code

paul.bridger paul.bridger at paradise.net.nz
Tue Jun 1 08:21:26 CEST 2004

paul.bridger wrote:
> I would guess the original error is in the use of GCCXML output, but the 
> best I can do (without a hint or two as to where to look) for a fix is 
Here's my new best. IMO fixing the error while parsing GCCXML output is 
better, unless members without names have some special significance known at 
the class level.

GCCXMLParser.py:280, in GetMembers:
< if type(decl) in Class.ValidMemberTypes():
 > if type(decl) in Class.ValidMemberTypes() and decl.name != '':

Paul Bridger

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