[C++-sig] Re: Problem with different return types.

Hanz Meizer steam at nurfuerspam.de
Sat Feb 7 11:27:45 CET 2004

Niall Douglas wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 6 Feb 2004 at 11:22, Hanz Meizer wrote:
>>virtual const C& getC(void ) const = 0;
>>virtual C& getC(void) = 0;
>>Is it possible to export both functions? Is it possible to export one
>>of them, and ignore the other? I've tried several ways to include it,
>>but both did not work out. Currently I'm using pythe to generate the
>>interface class. So my other question is: If it's possible, how can I
>>integrate the solution in pyste? :)
> delete the def("getC", (const C& (*)(void) const) &getC) version. 
> Python never calls from within a const context anyway.
> Cheers,
> Niall


Does anyone happen to know how to do this in pyste? I could write 
exclude(C.getC), but this removes both versions.


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