[C++-sig] Re: what happened with this std::string parameter inboost.python

Donnie Leen Kingdom.lin at yeah.net
Mon Dec 20 18:45:32 CET 2004

Another problem(maybe) I found while boost.python deal with std::string:

// my function
void write1( std::string s )
    //   no nothing
// my class to deal with python error output
class Cout
 std::string sbuf;
 void write( std::string s )
  sbuf += s;
  if ( sbuf.find_first_of( "\n" ) == std::string::npos )
  printf( "Cout::write\t%s", sbuf.c_str() );
  sbuf = "";

I wrapped it by boost.python in my c++ program embedding boost.python,
 def( "write", &write1 );
    class_<Cout>( "Cout", init<std::string>() )
        .def_readwrite( "sbuf", &Cout::sbuf )
        .def( "write", &Cout::write )

 and then I call it as following:
  "import mym\n"
  "import sys\n"
  "sys.stderr = mym.Cout('')\n"

it crashed, I can't caught any exception, even I insert the contents of libs/python/test/module_tail.cpp into my program.

Donnie Leen

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