[C++-sig] Re: code generation problems

James Mastro jmastro at rochester.rr.com
Fri Dec 17 08:59:09 CET 2004

David Abrahams wrote:
>> Yes, but unless you have a good reason to think this is BPL-related, you
>> should take your problem elsewhere.  It's not that I'm unsympathetic,
>> but I don't think there's anything I can do to help you.
> Except, of course, to Cc: a microsoft compiler engineer, who came back 
> with:
> "-sBUILD=<linkflags>-opt:noicf"

Great. I'll give that a shot tomorrow. I knew it wasn't bjam or bpl causing 
the problem, I worded it poorly. That's not one of my finer posts now that I 
read it again. Thank you for taking the time to look into it despite that.

>I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "seems to make sense."  Do you
>mean that when you step into the call to DoSomething the PC is shown
> somewhere inside the source code to DoSomething?

Yes, but more than that. Files that were supposed to be created or read from 
were actually being done, etc. So when DoSomething was shown as being 
stepped into, it was actually doing that despite the caller displaying a 
different function name than what was actually being stepped into. I agree 
about the VS debugger being quite good, my comment was idiotic. I went 
through a period trying to learn a new system (and BPL, actually) with a 
totally useless debugger, showing me code not what it was really executing, 
variable info being totally wrong or showing nothing, debugger crashing 
frequently, but upon further review that wasn't even on Windows. All those 
problems have since been fixed and that previously nasty debugger works 
great now last time I checked so I can't complain about any of the debuggers 
anymore. I jump around to too many systems for my own good, though.


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