[C++-sig] Re: Making copy of function derived from C++ pure virtual function

David Abrahams dave at boost-consulting.com
Sat Dec 11 15:40:20 CET 2004

Paul F. Kunz wrote:
>>>>>> On Fri, 10 Dec 2004 14:45:02 -0500, David Abrahams
>>>>>> <dave at boost-consulting.com> said:
>> Don't do that; the code I suggested was there for a reason.  I
>> think I have a bug, but it will help a lot to have a test case.
>> Can you back up a step to the previous version that compiled and
>> make a reduced test case for me to test my changes against?
> Ok at ...
> ftp://ftp.slac.stanford.edu/users/pfkeb/abrahams/HippoDraw-1.12.7.tar.gz
> with the necasary files and the test script.   After building, just
> run the ``fitting.py' test script.   There's a bit nore than needed
> in the tar ball, but is is sufficiently small.

Sufficiently for whom?  It took me 20 minutes of massaging just to get
it to build under vc7.1 (where I have good debugging tools).  Then when
I tested it against a Python debug build the vc7.1 runtime found a
problem with corrupted dynamic memory.

Please reduce your problem to a *simple* test case with as few classes
and functions as possible.  Take out any threading-related stuff.  There
should be one .cpp file and one .py file.  Ideally, you'd pass me a
Jamfile, but I can produce one myself if neccessary.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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