[C++-sig] How to capture stdout/stderr?

Bert Peers bert.peers at chello.be
Sat Aug 28 15:01:41 CEST 2004

At 01:08 28/08/2004 -0400, you wrote:
>I am trying to capture stdout and stderr from Python using boost.python.

Here is my, considerably low-tech, code :

At init time,

const std::string CatchOutput =
         "class StdoutCatcher:\n"
         "\tdef __init__(self):\n"
         "\t\tself.data = ''\n"
         "\tdef write(self, stuff):\n"
         "\t\tself.data = self.data + stuff\n"
         "import sys\n"
         "TheStdoutCatcher = StdoutCatcher()\n"
         "sys.stdout = TheStdoutCatcher\n";

Run (CatchOutput);      // thin wrapper to run a snippet

and then after some python code has run :

using namespace boost::python;
object Catcher (main_namespace ["TheStdoutCatcher"]);
object CatcherData (borrowed (PyObject_GetAttrString (Catcher.ptr (), 

const std::string &S = extract<std::string>(CatcherData);
Output += S;    // some log string
Run ("sys.stdout.data=''\n");

Note I'm pretty new at this, so the only warranty is
"the above didn't crash so far" :)  Now that I paste
it, I'm not sure about that const ref to the result of


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