[C++-sig] multiple registrations of to-Python converter warning

Lutz Paelike lutz_p at gmx.net
Wed Apr 21 12:33:19 CEST 2004


I use Boost.Python to embed Python into another program.
I wrapped some C++ classes to be able to share data.

 From time to time i get the following warning:

sys:1: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for class MySpecialClass already registered; second conversion method ignored.

MySpecialClass is my wrapped class in this case.
Obviously something is called twice but i have no clue what.
A first guess was the initModulename() but i'm pretty sure that's not the case.

The program works without problems, but i would like to know how/when this warning occurs.
Any hints into the right direction would be fine.

Thank you,


Lutz Paelike
Stargarder Str. 47
10437 Berlin
mail:	lutz at fxcenter.de
	lutz_p at gmx.net
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