[C++-sig] Loading Boost.Python made bindings is horribly slow?

Stefan Seefeld seefeld at sympatico.ca
Fri Apr 2 20:10:21 CEST 2004

Niall Douglas wrote:

> Is anyone else having this problem? I don't think it's BPL's fault 
> really as on Windows it only takes a second or two so I'm guessing 
> it's the dynamic linker. I'd imagine that that prebinding linkage 
> feature of newer Linuces will fix this problem - in the meantime, any 
> suggestions?

We experience the same: in our case it's already the linking of the 
module that takes a long time because we split up the code into
multiple translation units.

> (Here's a thought - GCC outputs far too many symbols into the public 
> ELF table - if GCC had a dllexport/dllimport mechanism like on 
> Windows, the amount of symbols needing to be linked could be reduced 
> very significantly indeed. As it so happens, someone submitted a 

The simplest thing to do (in this particular context) is to put 
everything into an anonymous namespace. Everything but the actual
python module init function ('BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE()'). That should
restrict the number of the exposed symbols to a strict minimum.


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