[C++-sig] Building boost.python on Mac OS X

Jonathan Brandmeyer jbrandmeyer at earthlink.net
Sat Sep 13 05:19:16 CEST 2003

On Fri, 2003-09-12 at 21:36, Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve wrote:
> Wow! That's very interesting.
> Did you try using /usr/bin/python?

No.  Based on some messages in the Python-Mac SIG archives that pointed
towards serious brain damage in the Apple-shipped Python, we have been
distributing our package against the fink-distributed Python 2.2.x. 
Numeric (which our module requires) does not install with the stock
Python's distutils, so I haven't really looked at it further.

> Now I am beginning to wonder if it is better to work with a framework or a
> non-framework build. I am not an Apple user. Could someone more experienced
> with OS X name some pros and cons?

In our case, several extra dependencies are supplied by fink, so we are
installing our module in that environment.  There hasn't been any
compelling reason for us to do otherwise.  Last time I checked (May?),
the Python-Mac SIG was going to try to work with the Darwin developers
with the goal of getting a high-quality version of Python included in
the next version of OSX.  If that goes through, than we will probably
install into the stock Python.

I'm not really an Apple user either, and do most of my development on
Linux and Windows.  Since the Darwin installation is more like Linux
than the framework method, I'm probably somewhat biased towards Darwin

> Thanks for sharing this information!
> Ralf

Thank you for getting the ball rolling.  I had read about your work a
couple of months back, but I was waiting for GCC 3.3.1 to be released
before I tried it.  I've been working on a migration from Py::CXX to
Boost.Python, which is almost finished.  Your work in this area helped
us get over a major obstacle to finishing the migration.

Thank you,
-Jonathan Brandmeyer

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