[C++-sig] pyste -I

Nicodemus nicodemus at globalite.com.br
Mon Sep 8 23:53:47 CEST 2003

Hi Jason,

Jason.Sibthorpe at aculab.com wrote:

>The -I option to pyste doesn't appear to work as I expect.
>Invoking pyste without the -I option results in the following error
>"    raise RuntimeError, 'Header file "%s" not found!' % name
>RuntimeError: Header file "rc-engine.hpp" not found!"
>As I would expect.
>Invoking pyste with -I../ does not raise an error and source files
>are generated but the body of the Export_*() is empty and include
>directives are missing.

The -I option is intended only to be passed along to gccxml, not for use 
with Pyste itself. GCCXML, like any compiler, must process all the 
header files included by your source file.
Is there any reason that you can't hardcode the paths into the Pyste files?


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