[C++-sig] Re: The "return always existing pointer throws dangling error" problem

Niall Douglas s_sourceforge at nedprod.com
Wed Oct 22 02:43:52 CEST 2003

On 21 Oct 2003 at 19:15, David Abrahams wrote:

> > So you're saying that the _class.def() part has absolutely zero
> > relation to the call_method part? They are two bits of absolutely
> > unrelated code?
> No, they have many relationships.  I'm not sure which kind of
> relationship you have in mind, though.

I'm just surprised, that's all. I personally wouldn't have done it 
the way you did, that's all. I had imagined that in the situation of 
C++ calling Python calling C++, some form of metadata would need to 
accompany the data obtained from C++ so you know you can throw away 
its temporarily constructed container as the data reenters the C++ 
world. Maybe, in fact, this is still what is needed.

> I should've said "minimal but complete".

I, like you, tend to assume the other person can infer the detail 
from cursory explanations we post as it's more efficient that way. 
However, you and I clearly don't think similarly - we view solutions 
in completely different fashions which are quite incompatible. I 
daresay that if we were working in a team, either we'd complement 
each other superbly or really really badly. It would be either 
extreme. Very interesting, and very uncommon - most people who don't 
understand me are technically inferior, whereas you most certainly 
are not.

> > Ok, my problem in condensed form (identical to the two problems as
> > referenced in the initial post):
> I'll be the judge of that... when you post a complete example.

Sent to you personally as python.org rejects attachments I send (I 
said sourceforge in the email I sent you, I meant this particular 
mailing list)

> > And when you do in python:
> > a=FXApp()
>   ^^^^^^^^^
> You haven't even given me the code needed to make this line possible.
> Please try to make it easy to help you.

I am very appreciative of your help. I had assumed that once the 
blasted thing compiled, it would be out the door within days. It's 
becoming clear that won't be happening quite yet :(


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