[C++-sig] Re: getting result from the interpreter -- boost-python

Benjamin Collar collar at gamic.com
Tue Oct 14 14:50:16 CEST 2003

Hello David,

On Tuesday 14 October 2003 14:25, David Abrahams wrote:
> > does not work properly in my environment.
>                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> ...which is... ??
GCC 3.3.1, Python 2.3.2, Gentoo Linux.

I've reposted the example here, with line numbers in front. The line numbers 
start at 32 because I cut and pasted the code from the tutorial directly into 
my application, right in the middle (after some app initialization and 
whatnot). The place where I got the example? 

> > Here's the example:

32  handle<> main_module(borrowed( PyImport_AddModule("__main__") ));
33  dict main_namespace(handle<>(borrowed(
        PyModule_GetDict(main_module.get()) )));
34  handle<>( PyRun_String("result = 5 ** 2", Py_file_input,
35    main_namespace.ptr(), main_namespace.ptr()) );
36  int five_squared = extract<int>( main_namespace["result"] );

> > This will not compile:
> >   main.cc: In function `int main(int, char**)':
> >   main.cc:33: error: variable declaration is not allowed here
> >   main.cc:35: error: request for member `ptr' in `main_namespace()',
> > which is of non-aggregate type `boost::python::dict ()()'
> >   main.cc:35: error: request for member `ptr' in `main_namespace()',
> > which is of non-aggregate type `boost::python::dict ()()'
> >   main.cc:36: error: invalid types `boost::python::dict ()()[const
> > char[7]]' for array subscript

> I'd write:
> [example cut]
> In fact, I would like it very much if we could change the examples in
> the tutorial to use this style.  It's far simpler and clearer, IMO.
Me too! That's easier to understand.

I appreciate your help. The code looks a little simpler on my end now.



(o__      Benjamin Collar
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V_/_      Developer/System Administrator 

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