[C++-sig] Re: Boost.Python and threads

Pierre Barbier de Reuille pierre.barbier at cirad.fr
Mon Oct 6 09:08:16 CEST 2003

Le sam 04/10/2003 à 00:28, David Abrahams a écrit :
> Sorry it took so long to reply Pierre; I was really hoping someone
> else (like Lijun) would answer.
> Anyway, I don't have an implementation of multithreading support, at
> least not yet.
> THe best way to safely unblock threads that I know of is to write a
> thin wrapper around your function which uses Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS
> and Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS around a call to the real function.
> HTH,

Well, thanks, I think I'll use this solution for the 'all fonctions are
non-blocking' is not good for me :)

Pierre Barbier de Reuille

INRA - UMR Cirad/Inra/Cnrs/Univ.MontpellierII AMAP
Botanique et Bio-informatique de l'Architecture des Plantes
TA40/PSII, Boulevard de la Lironde

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