[C++-sig] Re: problem with Boost.Python enum with duplicate values

David Abrahams dave at boost-consulting.com
Thu Oct 2 22:29:55 CEST 2003

"Niall Douglas" <s_sourceforge at nedprod.com> writes:

> On 2 Oct 2003 at 11:40, scott snyder wrote:
>> Looking at the code in enum.cpp, is see that it keeps the enum items
>> in a map indexed by the value --- so values added later overwrite any
>> added earlier.
>> It's common to use C++ enums to define small integral constants,
>> in addition to using them for things which are actual enumerations. So
>> the case of multiple enum symbols with the same value really should be
>> supported.
> I completely agree. Perhaps a reimplementation of enum.cpp Dave?

Something's in order.  I'm not very fond of Scott's specific patch,
though (sorry).  I'll give it some thought.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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