[C++-sig] Re: Extension DLLs nonfunctioning with MSVC 7.1 (beta)

Christophe Pradal christophe.pradal at cirad.fr
Tue Nov 25 17:39:45 CET 2003

I have the same problem with MSVC 6 SP5 and  STLport and a recent boost 
on cvs.
When i try to import my module,
i have the following message

File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
ImportError: DLL load failed: Invalid access to memory location.

Is Raoul solve is problem?

Christophe Pradal

Raoul Gough a écrit:

>David Abrahams <dave at boost-consulting.com> writes:
>>Raoul Gough <RaoulGough at yahoo.co.uk> writes:
>>>When I build the Python tests with MSVC (7.1 beta, version 13.10.2292)
>>>I get non-functioning DLLs. With a debug build, importing an extension
>>>module into Python aborts silently, and with the release builds it
>>>reports "ImportError: DLL load failed: Invalid access to memory
>>>location." I'm reasonably sure this was working a couple of weeks ago.
>>It's working for me with vc7.1 release and a debug-python build:
>Niall Douglas also reports that it works for him. I guess I must have
>trashed something in my environment, so I'll have to track it down
>locally. Thanks to you both for confirming this.

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