[C++-sig] Re: latest checkin breaksbuiltin_converters.cpponGCCcygwin

Mike Rovner mike at nospam.com
Wed Nov 5 02:08:20 CET 2003

> "Mike Rovner" <mike at nospam.com> writes:

Ooh, I better quote it here:
An expression e can be explicitly converted to a type T using a static_cast
of the form
static_cast<T>(e) if the declaration "T t(e);" is wellformed, for some
invented temporary
variable t (8.5). The effect of such an explicit conversion is the same as
performing the
declaration and initialization and then using the temporary variable as the
result of the
conversion. The result is an lvalue if T is a reference type (8.3.2), and an
rvalue otherwise.
The expression e is used as an lvalue if and only if the initialization uses
it as an lvalue.
As complex<float>(complex<double>) is defined, it's seems ok.


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