[C++-sig] Re: current CVS: error in graph\adjacency_list.hpp

Brett Calcott brett.calcott at paradise.net.nz
Mon May 19 12:13:55 CEST 2003

"Achim Domma" <achim.domma at syynx.de> wrote:

> Trying to compile boost.python from the current CVS I get the following
> errors:
> vc-C++
> ..\..\..\libs\python\build\bin\boost_python.dll\vc7\release\runtime-link-
> dynamic\inheritance.obj
> inheritance.cpp
> K:\cvsroot\boost\boost\graph\adjacency_list.hpp(183) : error C2065:
> 'mulitsetS': undeclared identifier
This is just a spelling mistake. It should be "multisetS"

It compiles if you fix this.

The cross-post should find the right person (vladimir prus?)

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