[C++-sig] pyste and virtual classes.

David Abrahams dave at boost-consulting.com
Mon Mar 31 17:50:17 CEST 2003

Giulio Eulisse <giulio.eulisse at cern.ch> writes:

>> That sounds really questionable to me.  Why not just derive a class
>> from the abstract class, override the virtual function yourself, and
>> wrap that?
> Because it's annoying have to do that for tens of classes, especially if
> you have a lot of constructors which needs to be implemented again to
> have the wrapper class behave just like the other.
> I think that it would be nice if pyste had an option to do that for you.

I can understand that, but I am having a hard time understanding what
the use-case for such an arrangement is.  The C++ class designer
explicitly said "you can't instantiate a class unless you implement
this function".  Now you want to subvert that, in some sense.  Is the
result really useful?

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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