[C++-sig] Missing address-of operator for overloaded member function

Patrick Hartling patrick at vrac.iastate.edu
Wed Mar 19 05:31:17 CET 2003

Thanks to Nicodemus' quick bug fixes, I have made quite a bit more 
progress with Pyste tonight.  I am now to the point where I am compiling 
the generated C++ code.  Now, however, I've run into a problem with 
overloaded member functions wherein the address-of operator (&) is 
missing in the second argument to boost::python::class_<T>::def().

I have attached an example that results in the following C++ code (using 
the latest Pyste sources):

     class_< Overload >("Overload", init<  >())
         .def(init< const Overload & >())
         .def("data", (void (Overload::*)(int) )Overload::data)
         .def("data", (int (Overload::*)() )Overload::data)


The problem appears to be that Function.PointerDeclaration() (in 
declarations.py) doesn't add the '&' in the pointer-to-member case.  I'm 
still working with GCC 3.2, though I assume other compilers would also 
fail to compile the above.


P.S. Pyste really is a great tool.  It's precisely what I needed to 
jump-start a project I had let stagnate in the last couple of months.

Patrick L. Hartling                     | Research Assistant, VRAC
patrick at vrac.iastate.edu                | 2624 Howe Hall: 1.515.294.4916
http://www.137.org/patrick/             | http://www.vrac.iastate.edu/
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