[C++-sig] Boost::Python and intel-win32

Massimo Sabbatini sabbatini at deanovell.unian.it
Mon Mar 10 11:54:17 CET 2003

Dear SIG,

I'm trying to export few classes with Boost::Python using bjam and the
intel-win32 toolset. I first tried vc6 (toolset msvc) and while vc6 start
compiling (but stops due to an internal error), intel-win32 (v.7) does not
start compiling at all. It seems that bjam does not issue the proper command
line. I enclose the output of my "bjam -sTOOLS=intel-win32" below.

 Any suggestions?

P.S. paths are correctly set.


D:\development\olg\export\python>d:\win_bin\bjam -sTOOLS=intel-win32
...found 1160 targets...
...updating 4 targets...
vc-C++ bin\olg.pyd\intel-win32\debug\runtime-link-dynamic\olg.obj
'/Zm800' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

     /Zm800 -nologo -GX -c  -BOOST_PYTHON_DYNAMIC_LIB /Z7 /Od /Ob0 /GX /GR
/MDd  /Qwn5 /Qwd985
/Qansi_alias  -I"." -I"d:\development\olg" -I"d:\development\bo
ost" -I"d:\development\numerics" -I"d:\development\boost\tools\build\jam_src
" -I
"d:\development\hdf5-1.4.5-winInt\c\release\include"  -I"c:\python22\include
-Fo"bin\olg.pyd\intel-win32\debug\runtime-link-dynamic\olg.obj"  -Tp"olg.cpp

...failed vc-C++
...skipped <olg.pyd\intel-win32\debug\runtime-link-dynamic>olg.CMD for lack
of <
...skipped <olg.pyd\intel-win32\debug\runtime-link-dynamic>olg.lib for lack
of <
...skipped <olg.pyd\intel-win32\debug\runtime-link-dynamic>olg.pyd for lack
of <
...failed updating 1 target...
...skipped 3 targets...


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