[C++-sig] more on why does this produce a dangling reference?

FLETCHER, Shayne, FM Shayne.FLETCHER at rbos.com
Tue Mar 4 19:21:42 CET 2003

Dear All:

Further to my earlier posting today
http://mail.python.org/pipermail/c++-sig/2003-March/003504.html, I have
found one way that seems to produce the required behaviour:

  period const& rate_impl_wrapper::get_floating_frequency() const
    boost::python::object obj(
      , (boost::type<boost::python::object>*)0));
    return boost::python::extract<period const&>(obj)();

This approach no longer gives rise to a dangling reference error and it
appears to work, but, since obj refcnt is 1, surely this code is returning a
reference to a temporary?

- Shayne.

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