[C++-sig] Inherited instance variables

Matt Giger mgiger at lunarsoft.com
Sat Mar 1 00:43:52 CET 2003

Hi, I just discovered Boost.Python and I am very impressed (as I am 
with most of Boost). I have embedded a Python interpreter in my 
project and would like to tie in some C++ classes but am having 
problems with inherited member variables.

Here is my example:


struct foo {
   foo(void) {}
   virtual ~foo(void) {}
   virtual bool handle_evt(object event) { return false; }
   list children;

struct foowrap : foo {
   foowrap(PyObject* self) : self_(self) {}
   foowrap(PyObject* self, const foo& f) : foo(f), self_(self) {}
   bool handle_evt(object event)
    { return call_method<bool>(self_, "handle_evt", event); }
   static bool def_handle_evt(foo* f, object event)
    { return f->foo::handle_evt(event); }
   PyObject* const self_;

   class<foo, foowrap>("foo")
    .def("handle_evt", &foowrap::def_handle_evt)
    .def_readwrite("children", &widget::children);


import foomod
class subfoo(foomod.foo):
   def __init__(self, parent):
     self.parent = parent
   def __del__(self)
   def handle_evt(self, event)
     print event
     for child in children:
       if handle_evt(event)
         return true
       return false

f = foo()      # works fine
g = subfoo(f)  # works fine
h = subfoo(g)  # breaks

TypeError: bad argument type for built-in operation

# no children list available in the subfoo class instance 'g'
print g.children
TypeError: bad argument type for built-in operation

It appears that the children list object is not visible from any 
subclasses of the foo class.

I have tried changing the line:
    .def_readwrite("children", &widget::children)


       make_getter(&foo::children, return_internal_reference<>()),

but still no luck...any help would be appreciated, thanks.

Matt Giger
Lunar Software, Inc.
mgiger at lunarsoft.com

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